Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Woking News & Mail Photo

Yesterday, I had a call from the Woking News & Mail reporter Beth who had read about the restoration in the Brookwood Newsletter. She was keen to run a piece in the paper about the community rallying around to restore the kiosk. At half ten this morning, and at incredibly short notice, we managed to get me, Alan, Cllr Glynis Preshaw, Caled from Baker's Dozen, Roy from Allsigns, Tony from Fulks the butchers and Brian from Glassmaster out for a quick photo which I guess will go in the paper either this week or next. Great recognition for our work, and a small piece of advertising for our local businesses, all of which have contributed to the kiosk in one way or another.

I then stayed on and continued to scrape paint, alternating between the third side and the inside. It's interesting to note that the inside and now the third side are so much easier than what we have done already. I guess it is because it's less weathered. Whereas previously we have taken upwards of three coats of Nitromors to get down to bare metal, now it is possible (with some elbow grease) to get to bare metal after using Nitromors to take only the very top layer off. In some areas, just chipping away with the sharp point of the scraper removes the paint. Consequently, this third side will be easier that expected.

From the attached picture, you can see the progress made on the third side, and it is also possible to make out some bare metal on the inside. Also from the picture, you can see where we have removed the leather straps and the shackles for refurbishment.

Not sure how much further progress we'll make this week due to work committments, but we are on target for our May completion.

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