Monday, 1 March 2010

Brookwood Village Association

Alan and I had a good meeting tonight with the Brookwood Village Association to discuss progress and understand what help the BVA could provide us in getting the kiosk finished. Obviously the BVA has the interests of the village and the community at its heart and the kiosk forms part of this overall picture.

In the short term, the BVA have very kindly provided us with some much needed funds, the value of which equals the cost of the final red and white enamel paint required.

We outlined the plan to completion, discussed insurance, listing status and the long term management of the kiosk  post completion. Alan and I are keen that the kiosk doesn't become a long term project associated only with us, but becomes something the village community is involved in and proud of. As ideas are batted round in the coming months, I'm sure they will appear on this blog, and in the Brookwood News newsletter.

Talking of which, there is a good write up in the March edition of the newsletter, with the kiosk getting a prime spot on the front page. Thanks Mike.

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